Thursday, October 20, 2016

The Underground Orchid

Rhizathella gardneri

Jack Trott,one day noticed a sweet smell that arose from the ground and soon he found a tiny white flower which was an entirely new type of orchid.
This species is endemic to Western Australia.
This white leafless orchid is found completely dependent on Broom Honeymyrtle and Fungus for nutrients and carbon dioxide. making it a parasitic orchid.

This unique plant spends their entire life underground even set their  seeds underground.
They bloom in May - June and the flower head contains 8 to 90 small maroon flowers.Flowers take 6 moths to get matured and are pollinated by Termites and Gnats.

Only 300 specimens have been collected till date and only 50 known plants in wild.
Theyare  included in the list of endangered species.

Hard to believe that  its a orchid ...

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