Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Peristeria elata

An epiphytic orchid found across Central and South America ,also in Panama.
This orchid is the national flower of Panama republic.

The plant has ovoid pseudobulbs( bulb-like storage organs developed from stem)  with stripped leaves at its apex.

Flowering is from July to October.Flowers emerges from the base of these bulbs and usually there are 4 to 12 flowers with a fragrance similar to that of beer.
The flowers marble white in color with yellow colored pistils and anthers.

The central part of the flower is Dove shaped (reason for its name).

The flower is pollinated by bees and  it has modified itself to ensure pollination.
Flower lips(the wings and the tail of dove) are hinged and on landing ,the bee is thrown against the column(head and the neck of Dove).Then the lips hold the bee and the pollinarium(coherent mass of pollen grains) is attached to its thorax.

They produce ellipsoid fruits in dry season.

Because of its beauty ,this plant is in a danger of extinction and so included in the list of endangered species.

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